Project 1
Software Developer and Teacher
Linguistic Communications, Montreuil, France
04/2023 - 11/2023
  • Led a team in developing and deploying serverless application using Vercel, and Supabase, resulting in reduced infrastructure costs and improved scalability.
  • Architected and implemented RESTful APIs in Node.js, delivering coherent communication between front-end and back-end systems.
  • Taught undergraduate courses in English Language and Information Systems, receiving consistent positive feedback from students for clear explanations and engaging teaching methods.
Data Scientist
INRAE Colmar, Montreuil, France
09/2020 - 01/2020
  • Constructed dashboards that were used to track periods of favourable and unfavourable weather conditions and also predict the price volatility rate from complex data sets with Python
  • Developed a robust quantitative model to assess agroecosystems’ resilience to global warming. To validate the data set’s suitability for the subject matter, the model explained 83% of the information in the data set.
  • Identified the resilient agroecosystems in the Grand Est region of France using pareto ranking.
Data Scientist
Copeeks SAS Lannion, France
05/2020 - 06/2020
  • Built an astute forecasting model which predicted temperature humidity indices with a mean absolute percentage error of 5%.
  • Implemented ETL pipeline with pandas for temperature humidity index calculations alongside a dashboard to visualize temperature humidity index as well as periodic weather reports with Tableau.
  • Created an alert system that warns about high heat stress and also communicate heat stress patterns and precise solutions to stakeholders surging customer satisfaction up by 30%
Data Engineer
Millicom International Cellular SA Accra, Ghana
10/2014 - 09/2019
  • Collected and translated 35 different types of electronic data records(EDR) from switches and delivered to the data warehouse using the Mediation platform resulting to an average increase of 4.24% in monthly revenue.
  • Performed Mobile Financial Systems(MFS) integrations with over 80 different companies via the Third Party Gateway System maximizing MFS revenue by 25%.
  • Designed and deployed new enterprise applications and enhanced existing enterprise applications and operating systems increasing system availability to 98%.
Cloud Data Warehouse 07/2022
ETL pipeline that extracts data from a source(Amazon S3), stages them in Redshift, and transforms data into a set of dimensional tables.
• Tools and Methodologies: React, Node Js(Express Js)
Car Price Predicting Application 04/2022
A web application that take specifications provided by user as input and predicts car price using a deployed machine learning model.
• Tools and Methodologies: Python(flask, numpy, pandas), Ngrok, XGBoost regressor